Friday, November 27, 2015

There's Always Something to be Thankful For

It's that time of year that always warms my heart. A time that I've always grown up to know as the merriest times, spent with family & close friends.

When I was younger, a big group of my immediate & extended family would get together to celebrate the holidays and I remember having so much fun even if we really didn't have much to do but hang out with each other. Sadly as I've gotten older, those family gatherings have slimmed down to just immediate family with occasional additions here and there. I've grown up being surrounded by my big family so as much as I do still love this time of year, I also am always reminded how much I miss all my family getting together. 

Despite all of that, I am still grateful. I may not have the big family gatherings, but I am very fortunate to still have my family around to spend it with plus the last couple of years have been exciting as Rylan and I became part of a new family. It makes me very excited for Matt and I to add new additions to our families. 


Holidays, usually mean going from one family to the other. We started off having lunch with Matt's mom and brother and then made the trek down to Kent to end our Thanksgiving with my family. All filled with lots of delicious food, laughter and love. I can't wait for Christmas! (: 

 Oh, Brutus. I love this big guy so much!

I normally am in charge of desserts for our family gatherings. Usually I make regular rice krispy treats. This year my sis-in-law texted me a picture of a rice krispy treat turkey, so I figured I'd give the challenge a go, and I have to say I'm pretty proud of my creation. lol 

 This isn't all the food, but it was all delicious 
a rice krispy drumstick lol

I hope you all have a fantastic Thanksgiving! 

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