Monday, April 28, 2014


This is my beautiful family. Being home and being together after nearly 20 years was amazing and too short of an experience. It seemed time flew so slowly when awaiting the day I'd be leaving for the PI, but as soon as my vacation started, time went by too quickly. 

Being around my whole family the last 2 weeks has made me truly grateful that God has blessed me with such a loving, caring and amazing family. We may not be perfect, but what family is. My heart has been feeling heavy since we returned to the states. Heavy because of how much I miss being around my family, and because I don't know when the next time we'll all be together again. 

The reality that we're just getting older and time is truly limited has made me really appreciate this life on earth that God has given us to really begin to show what it means to love others, whether it be family, friends or strangers. As fearful as I am at times of the idea that years with my family being around is getting shorter and shorter, I am trying to find peace in knowing that eternity spent with my family will be even more joyful than it has been here on earth. 

I'm not exactly sure why coming back from my trip to the PI this time around has been more difficult than it has been in the past, but I know I'll be ok with God by my side. 

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Au Revoir Seattle!

The excitement I have been feeling for the past few months since we booked our tickets is beyond words. And the reality that we'll be leaving tomorrow and I'll be with my entire family who haven't been together in almost 20 years is giving me butterflies. I wish I was staying longer, but I'm lucky enough to spend the time I am able to spend with my family. It is my home, it's where I was born and grew up as a little girl and will always be in my heart my home.

The above picture is the Thunderbird Resort where we'll be getting together for our reunion, which I cannot wait to experience! The likelihood of me posting while I'm there is highly unlikely but who knows. Until I return. Au Revoir! 

Thursday, April 3, 2014


Praise Repent Ask for someone else Your own needs

I've had a handful of conversations with a few of my Christian girlfriends & Matt in regards to the anxiousness we feel whenever we are asked to pray in a group setting. Growing up, I was so accustomed to memorizing prayers I was never really exposed nor did I have strong desire to spend more time in prayer with God. Accepting Jesus as my savior has definitely changed my need to engage in more intimate prayer with Him. And alone I do fine, it's during group prayers do I feel slightly embarrassed in how I pray. When I hear others pray it sounds so flawless and well spoken, and shows evidence that they've been doing it for awhile.

There are instances where I would love to openly pray for with my friends but allow the fear of man hold me back. In my alone time with God, I have been praying that during those moments He can guide my focus on Him, rather than those in the room that influences me to become nervous. 

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Blink of an eye.

Today marks exactly 2 months since I moved out of the Kenmore house. Not too much has changed, and the things that have, have definitely been for the better. 

Though there are nights of loneliness, I don't ever feel alone. Though there are nights of sadness, I still very much feel joy. God has surely put forth so much grace in first my relationship with Him, others and with Matt. I'd be lying if I said we weren't still struggling with our emotions involved in being a part during this season in our lives, but everything is very much bearable. 

Being a witness to the work the Holy Spirit has been doing in each of our lives in the last couple of months have been beyond amazing. Our CG have been nothing but encouraging, supportive and loving towards the both of us as we discuss our successes and struggles in what God wants. 

This temporary separation has not only humbled me but taught me how to find comfort in God's time and will for me.