Monday, June 2, 2014


Going through the Pre-Marriage class with Matt has really opened our eyes to a lot of realizations about ours and each other's characteristics. We've felt a little less dysfunctional knowing that we're not the only couple out there that despite our faith in Jesus have flaws in our relationship. Everything's not going to be perfect and things aren't going to always be easy. I've realized that it may be harder than it is easy, but to not be discouraged by those moments but instead be grateful that we have a God that is merciful towards us. 

I knew Matt and I had differences, but I guess in the last couple of weeks this class has really opened my eyes to see where my heart is and my characteristics. For example, I used to think that I was an extrovert, but have thought that maybe I'm actually introverted, or perhaps I've become an introvert throughout the last couple of years. 

Right now, life has put a lot on each of our plates and it does feel a little overwhelming a lot of the times. It's caused a little bit of tension and uneasiness in our relationship because we both want to make each other happy but seem to be having a hard time doing so. Taking some quick moments apart to refocus our hearts to Jesus is something we definitely needed right now. Thinking horizontally, and looking to each other for solutions is not going to get us anywhere. We must refocus and go back to thinking vertically and looking up to God to sustain us through this overwhelming season and to aide us to persevere in our relationship. 

Prayer: Lord Jesus, thank you for your great mercy towards us, especially when we have done nothing to deserve it. My prayer for today is that Matt and I can individually refocus our hearts to you. You know the burdens we currently are carrying in our hearts and you always know the way. I pray that the Holy Spirit guide us in the direction you wish us to go and to do so willing with open hearts. Let us not forget your sacrifice for us on the cross and look up to you for encouragement instead of each other. Amen.

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