Tuesday, January 14, 2014


This last year, God has really tested my patience and has taught me to discipline myself so much in regards to my anger as a mother. It's almost a given that every mother is bias to their children, and although Rylan has most of the time been a complete breeze to raise, he has definitely challenged me in many different ways. Since he's been in kindergarten the challenges have been more difficult and I am constantly having to bring myself to prayer to ask for a kind heart when disciplining him. It's been amazing to have a male figure in his life when he's with me, so that Matt can provide the strong and stern persona that I may not always have, because the kid melts my heart way too easily at times.

The times when I am put in a situation where I want to yell in rage for the naive mistakes he's made, brings me back to my childhood and how I was raised. I've put so much faith in God to change my heart and I can honestly see myself change in how I interact with him when I'm disciplining him. Granted, I am human and will fall at some point, I at least know that God has already began to change my heart in so many ways and as long as I'm willing to try, I can only continue to be better. 

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