We're having a baby girl!
All of us are so excited to be welcoming home Adela Grace this summer. Anyone who knows me, knows how badly I've been wanting a baby girl.
The joy we feel about this huge blessing is overwhelming. We really can't wait to meet her. My OB did bring up a couple of things to our attention to be aware of. Baby is currently measuring in the 14% percentile which is a little small, however she did assure us that I may just be one of those women who carries smaller babies, or it could also be due to the fact that my current estimated due date is a few days off. I have another ultrasound scheduled during my 26th week just to make sure baby is still growing appropriately. Another very small concern she had while they were monitoring the heart is a spot that lit up that can sometimes be associated with Down Syndrome. There were no other abnormalities that they saw & was almost certain that the spot was just a normal variant. She did offer us the chance to get genetic testing if we wanted to confirm. After having a discussion with Matt & praying about it, we decided to opt out of any testing. We knew from the beginning that we wanted to have this baby no matter what ailments she may have & that has never changed. Our baby, no matter if she comes out "normal" (I dislike that word) or with some kind of disability, we would love and adore with all of our hearts. She is God's greatest gift to us, and we do not see her any other way.
So, we ask for prayers. Prayers for our hearts, to not be consumed with anxiousness or fear but instead be filled with encouragement and peace knowing that our baby is in God's hands who knows all and has purpose for everything.
This is not something Matt & I want to focus our attention on. Actually, up until writing this post I almost forgot all about it. We want to keep moving forward celebrating this beautiful life growing inside of me.
With that said, check out these pictures my brother took for us this past weekend. We struggled through the pouring rain, wind & cold weather and didn't get all the shots we wanted to get but I think they still turned out pretty fabulous.