I've quoted Christian because I feel like that can and has been interchangeable with Catholic or religion.
Matt and I have had this question asked pretty often, not just from non-believers but believers as well. Usually, pertaining to the choice we made to whole heartily follow Christ and head towards a different path with our relationship in regards to cohabiting and celibacy.
This question normally gets brought up when people realize or find out not only that Matt and I are not living together or having sex, but that we once were and are no longer. It can be a difficult question to answer, because really it's not a "Christian", "Catholic" or even a "religion" thing. It's rather a choice to honor God.
I think most people, if they reflect deep enough on how they choose to live their life, can say it revolves around honoring something or someone in some way. For the non-believers, it could be their parents and the morals/values they were taught, their occupation, their race, their family, their spouse or significant other, positive energy, themselves and the list can go on. And for those who are believers, it is or at least should be God. ("And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him." - Colossians 3:17) The decisions I try to make for my life is centered around what will honor and glorify God. Now, I bold try because the world is broken and we are all imperfect, therefore not every attempt has been or will be successful. But I do not have to be ashamed of my failures, because I rely on an awesome God who redeems me, so long as I lift myself up to him. If I am to do my best to honor God with my life, my life should have a specific direction to it which will be polar opposite of the direction life was before I knew Jesus.
I'm not great with words, and often times my mind is working twice the speed of how quickly I come up with words to say, so I want to share something I came across over a year ago that struck me hard and ultimately pushed me even more to chose God over my desires of the flesh.
I don't know where you are in your life, no idea the struggles, sorrows or season of testing you are going through. My post might have sparked something inside you that has caused you to want to turn from sin and accept Jesus as your savior for the first time, or it could have done the complete opposite, but I want to end with this bible verse.
Matt and I have had this question asked pretty often, not just from non-believers but believers as well. Usually, pertaining to the choice we made to whole heartily follow Christ and head towards a different path with our relationship in regards to cohabiting and celibacy.
This question normally gets brought up when people realize or find out not only that Matt and I are not living together or having sex, but that we once were and are no longer. It can be a difficult question to answer, because really it's not a "Christian", "Catholic" or even a "religion" thing. It's rather a choice to honor God.
I think most people, if they reflect deep enough on how they choose to live their life, can say it revolves around honoring something or someone in some way. For the non-believers, it could be their parents and the morals/values they were taught, their occupation, their race, their family, their spouse or significant other, positive energy, themselves and the list can go on. And for those who are believers, it is or at least should be God. ("And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him." - Colossians 3:17) The decisions I try to make for my life is centered around what will honor and glorify God. Now, I bold try because the world is broken and we are all imperfect, therefore not every attempt has been or will be successful. But I do not have to be ashamed of my failures, because I rely on an awesome God who redeems me, so long as I lift myself up to him. If I am to do my best to honor God with my life, my life should have a specific direction to it which will be polar opposite of the direction life was before I knew Jesus.
I'm not great with words, and often times my mind is working twice the speed of how quickly I come up with words to say, so I want to share something I came across over a year ago that struck me hard and ultimately pushed me even more to chose God over my desires of the flesh.
"Although most of the unbelieving world does not have a problem with couples living together outside of marriage, the Bible has much to say about this type of situation. God calls us to live in the world but not live like the world. Living together before marriage is commonly accepted these days but that does not mean Christians need to partake in liberal promiscuous lifestyles. Even if you were not going to partake in a sexual relationship together, others most likely would perceive that you are, and it would be damaging to your testimony and might also cause others to stumble.
Living together outside of marriage might cause some people to think that it is okay for Christians to live together without a marriage covenant, but sex before marriage, fornication, is a sin and must be avoided.
Marriage was instituted and designed by God. His design for relationships is at the heart of marriage, which involves companionship and intimacy, a full commitment blessed by the Lord. We must be respectful of His teachings and realize that what He commands is best for us.
It is best to wait and live together only under the sanctity of a marriage covenant blessed by God. Be respectful of Him and honor your partner by being true to God's Word. The way we live our lives is a reflection of our true character and the depth of our devotion to the Lord and His principles. "
It is God's will that you should be sanctified: that you should avoid sexual immorality; that each of you should learn to control your own body in a way that is holy and honorable, not in passionate lust like the pagans, who do not know God. - Thessalonians 4: 3-5Now, does all of this make me better than the next person? Saved or not, I am no way proclaiming righteousness over others. I am not any more sinless than those who don't believe or even care for God, but when I do sin I immediately repent of it, confess it to God and stop. The world is ever so changing, but God's word, commands, and promises are just as much true now than they were from the beginning.
"A Christian isn't better than a non-Christian. He's just better off. A person who has to jump out of a plane and wearing a parachute is no better than a person without a parachute. He's just better off. The difference will be seen when they jump... Jesus warned that if we 'jump' into death without Him, we would perish. " (fillthevoid.org)Matt and I's journey to a God-centered future individually and together has been challenging, to say the least - but we joyfully continue to be sanctified in our faith knowing we have such a loving and merciful God.
"We know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God, and are called according to his purpose. For God knew his people in advance, and he decided that they would conform to the image of his Son..." - James 8: 28-29