Times are tough.
My faith is not in jeopardy, but my church home/family has been in intense scrutiny the last few months. I haven't wanted to speak publicly about everything that's been happening but I will say a couple of things. It's been absolutely heart breaking for Matt & I - as well as those who have been directly and even indirectly been affected by MH. We've tried to stay away from reading anything the media has to say because who knows how accurate their resources are. But all the controversy and the great amount of people leaving MH has definitely affected our church. I lament with those who have negatively been affected by any of the MH leaders or Pastor Mark, and yet at the same time I feel broken for MH & my chruch family as I have such immense love for them. I've been attending MH for nearly 2 years now and during this time I have desired to know Jesus more than I ever have in my 28 years. I have met such amazing individuals who have guided me how to be a godly mother to Rylan, a loving & respectful daughter to my parents, poured a huge amount of wisdom on what it means to be a godly wife to my future husband and most importantly learning what it means to be a follower of Jesus Christ by loving God and loving others. I am forever thankful. Despite any mistakes Pastor Mark or the church has made - I have the utmost faith that God is working to restore and heal Mars Hill. Prayers are greatly appreciate at this time.
On another note. Training has been a mix of good and bad. August was a great month for me, I was running on all the scheduled days and I felt my endurance and speed getting better everyday. However, September has been slightly rough. My feet and knees have just been aching so much that I've needed to take a break from running for a little over a week now. Praying for physical healing so I can continue training and get through my half marathon run in less than a month.