Wednesday, August 27, 2014

You're never really ready for marriage.

I've seeked council from a few of my Christian girl friends in regards to the issues swirling constantly in my head about being "ready" for marriage, waiting for my significant other to feel like he's "ready" to be a leader to a wife and family and just how long am I supposed to wait?

I am thankful for all the love, knowledge, support and prayer while I've been deciphering this all out with God. It's encouraged me to look deeper into what God's will is for Rylan and I. Had a conversation with a girl friend yesterday and she really put into perspective a lot about often times we won't know if we're ready until God requires us to be ready. Similar to parenthood, no matter how many classes we take, books we read or advice we receive we can't apply all the knowledge and guides until we become a parent.

Most people who contemplate marriage wrestle with the question of whether they’re ready. How much do you wait and seriously consider the weight of the decision to get married? When should you hold back and work on yourself for a while? Is any hesitation you feel about marriage a result of wanting to make sure you’ll be a healthy spouse? Or is it just selfishness and unwillingness to take responsibility? Is it both?

At what point do you stop over-thinking things, determine you’re making a good decision and make a jump?

You can never be fully ready for marriage because it’s impossible to be fully ready for marriage. Nothing can fully prepare you for losing part of yourself while making another person’s life your own. No amount of wise counsel or books or study guides can make you truly understand what it’s like to have and hold another soul, day in and day out—for life.

Marriage is much more a training zone for personal holiness than an award gala for personal perfection. Sometimes, the very things we think we need to have together before marriage can’t happen without it.

You should be asking whether you’d glorify Him better in your singleness or in marriage. If you’ve looked honestly at your life, determined with wise counsel that you’re a responsible and spiritually growing adult and can feel in your heart that you would serve God’s Kingdom better with marriage, you’re ready!” - JARED LAFITTE

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Time with God.

“'For My thoughts are not your thoughts,
Nor are your ways My ways,' declares the Lord.
'For as the heavens are higher than the earth,
So are My ways higher than your ways
And My thoughts than your thoughts.'" - Isaiah 55:8-9

Chaos has seemed to enter my life the past few weeks, and in all sorts of forms. Birthdays, work, weddings, relationships and everything else in between. I mainly blame myself for always putting so much on my work load that I always find myself feeling extremely overwhelmed. Fortunately, among all the craziness, I was able to hear the Holy Spirit calling to make time to spend time with God. Which is exactly what I've been doing the last few days. It has been amazing and so freeing. I reflect on my heart and realize how naive I am in regards to the grace and strength God can and does provide for me. 

I may not always understand the things going on in my life, but I know that I'm not always meant to. Some questions will never be answered here on earth and I need to acknowledge that God's will always prevails and whatever it is I may desire in my life, He desires so much more for me. His plans will always exceed any plans I could manifest on my own. God is good, all the time. And all the time? God is good.