This is my beautiful family. Being home and being together after nearly 20 years was amazing and too short of an experience. It seemed time flew so slowly when awaiting the day I'd be leaving for the PI, but as soon as my vacation started, time went by too quickly.
Being around my whole family the last 2 weeks has made me truly grateful that God has blessed me with such a loving, caring and amazing family. We may not be perfect, but what family is. My heart has been feeling heavy since we returned to the states. Heavy because of how much I miss being around my family, and because I don't know when the next time we'll all be together again.
The reality that we're just getting older and time is truly limited has made me really appreciate this life on earth that God has given us to really begin to show what it means to love others, whether it be family, friends or strangers. As fearful as I am at times of the idea that years with my family being around is getting shorter and shorter, I am trying to find peace in knowing that eternity spent with my family will be even more joyful than it has been here on earth.
I'm not exactly sure why coming back from my trip to the PI this time around has been more difficult than it has been in the past, but I know I'll be ok with God by my side.